Bradwell Historical Society


Bradwell Historical Society was formed in 1994 to encourage local people to become involved in the history of the village and the area, and to build up a local archive.  However, the Society does not confine its activities to this and has welcomed speakers on a wide range of historical topics.  They meet on the third Tuesday evening of every month (except July, August and December) at 8.00 pm in the Methodist Hall, Towngate.  The varied programme includes illustrated lectures given by visiting speakers or by members of the Society with a specialist interest or who have researched a particular topic.  In July and August (or at others times) the Society arranges reciprocal village tours with other local history groups, and daytime visits to a range of venues of historical interest. In the recent past these have included visits to Bugsworth Basin, Cresswell Crags, and the Holocaust Museum at Laxton.

In 2006 the Society was awarded a grant by the “Local Heritage Initiative” and a large group, including non-members, began producing an illustrated history of Bradwell in the 20th century, plus material for use in schools.  In August 2008 the Society published ‘After Seth. Bradwell into the 21st Century’. A 272 page account of life in the village over the last 100 years.  It is generously illustrated and has 20 pages of index including many local family references.  It is on sale at Bradwell PO and local bookshops at £10 per copy or by post from the society at £10.00 plus £2.50 (UK) or as appropriate abroad. Contact – Steve Lawless on telephone 01433620329

To contact the Historical Society by e-mail please use

Visit our Website at

The Society has in hand a number of projects, some of which have been completed others are ongoing. One project recently completed is:

Production of a DVD containing newspaper cuttings about Bradwell between 1883 and 1951, collected by Cyril Evans. The DVD is now available and costs £5. Contact Andy Smith (phone 01433 620100) or Brian Gillham 01433 623345

The Society has accumulated a large range of artefacts relating to Bradwell life (books, photographs, pamphlets, local wills etc) and has a project in hand to catalogue these items and place them in the Archive. A group of members have met on a Saturday morning from 10.00 to 12.00 in the Methodist Hall to add to the archive.

Other ongoing initiatives:

  • Collecting together information about all the Bradwell people who served in two World Wars, most especially the history of the men who died in the two great conflicts. This will has led to the production of a pamphlet.
  • An important project currently being coordinated by Andy Smith is called ‘The House I Live In’. Information is being gathering about who has lived where in Bradwell over the years. Information collected, written, oral and photographic is being attached, house-by-house to a map of the village. The work on this so far can be viewed on our Website (see above).

The Society has approximately 50 members and the annual subscription is £10. Everyone is welcome to join and there are no age limits. Members also receive monthly copies of the newsletter that focuses on the history of the village and informs members of up-coming events.

Visitors may attend up to two of the Society’s talks on payment of a fee of £5 for each. Having paid twice thereafter they will become a full member for that year.

New members receive a free copy of ‘After Seth’


2024 Programme
16th JanuaryAGM
20th FebruaryThe Farms and Mills of Brough – Joan Clough
19th MarchThe History of the Telescope – Paul Downing
16th  AprilThe History of the Sheffield Gangs – Martin Rowley
21st MayThe History of Flowers – Evelyn Harris
18th  JuneMember’s Evening
16th JulyNo Meeting
20th AugustNo Meeting
17th  SeptemberThe Peak District’s Pauper Past – Tim Knebel
15th OctoberLocal Carols – Joanna and Peter Mackey
19th NovemberThe Conquest of Mexico – Neil Roberts
17th DecemberChristmas Meal
