Our aim is to create, develop and sustain an orchard in Bradwell for the benefit of the community. A community orchard is a place where local and other varieties of fruit are grown by and for local people. Providing fruit to share and places to enjoy, they show how well we can live with nature as friend and collaborator. We had our first meeting in July 2009, and in early 2011 we planted 40 different fruit trees, including old and local varieties of apple, pear, plum and cherry.
Bradwell’s Junior and Infant schools have been involved planting trees and studying the wildlife in the orchard. Many local people contributed by sponsoring trees while other funds came from the Co-op Community Fund and the Parish Council. Pluscarden Abbey, in the north of Scotland, sent us several trees too. We have planted a mixed species hedge with trees given by the Woodland Trust. Michlow Orchard can already be enjoyed as a special place. When visiting, we ask that you keep the gate shut to stop trespassing sheep, and not to exercise your dog there. Please keep the site clear of dog dirt. Thank you!
Please come and join us! We normally meet on the second Sunday of the month at 10am to work in the orchard, and welcome all to join us there. We also hold events such as apple days and a midsummer picnic. To keep up to date with our activities, head to our web pages at bradwellcommunityorchard.blogspot.com, search “Bradwell Community Orchard” on Facebook (you do not need to be a Facebook user to view our page) or use the links below.
For more information, or to become a member, please contact us using the details below.
Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18; the annual subscription is £5.